Workplace Redefined

The way we work has shifted to more flexible remote and hybrid models — where, when, and how we work has morphed into a flexible matrix of places, times, and devices. Though this transformation may have been evolving for some time, it has recently been turbo-charged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies that we're able to successfully pivot to a temporary remote work environment now face a myriad of new technical challenges to support a more flexible workforce for the long term.

Businesses will need to adapt and rework their infrastructure to meet the new challenges and stay ahead of the game, from security and reliability to performance and access.

Technology Priorities

Digital Trust Programs
Security, privacy, and
compliance technologies
Digital infrastructure
Cloud, infrastructure,
autonomous IT operations
Workplace Transformation
Collaborative workspaces,
talent dev and management
Connectivity Programs
enterprise network
infrastructure, SG, WiFi, mobile
Digital Trust Programs
Security, privacy, and
compliance technologies
Digital infrastructure
Cloud, infrastructure,
autonomous IT operations
Workplace Transformation
Collaborative workspaces,
talent dev and management
Connectivity Programs
enterprise network
infrastructure, SG, WiFi, mobile
Source: Future Enterprise Resiliency & Spending Survey, IDC, February, 2021

Agility Adds Resiliency

Implementing Agile Practices for Your Infrastructure

An agile infrastructure, simply defined, is setting up your infrastructure in such a way today that allows you to innovate faster in the future. Readying your infrastructure for continuous delivery, continuous improvement, and early failing will ultimately drive new business value, reduce time to market and enable sustainable growth.

Quick video on Agile Infrastructure Benefits
Workplace Redefined Speakers image

Watch the Webcast

Workplace Redefined Webcast: A Turbo-charged Technology and Culture Shift

Join GCSIT and IDC for an insider’s look at the impact of this new reality, and how you can manage change and take advantage of best practices for better, secure and productive work — anywhere, anytime.

Watch Now
5 Considerations for Remote Work After Covid-19

5 Considerations for Remote Work After Covid-19

Agile Ebook Cover

Adopting an Agile Infrastructure for
Continuous Innovation

5 Considerations for Remote Work After Covid-19

Dell Technologies: 5 Ways to Empower Your Remote Workforce


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