How COVID-19 Has Fueled Automation Acceleration in Healthcare

September 28, 2022
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Automation in Healthcare

For the last decade or so, artificial intelligence and automation have emerged as a key discussion around preparing hospitals for the future. IT automation, or infrastructure automation, is the use of software to create repeatable processes. The purpose of automation is to reduce human interaction with IT systems and make the remaining interaction completely predictable. IT automation is the foundation of the modern datacenter where servers, storage,and networking are transformed into software-defined infrastructure.

With challenging times comes innovation. The Coronavirus pandemic has taken us into a completely new normal as millions of Americans are now making major life adjustments at work and at home (click here to read our blog on How Coronavirus has Redefined the Workplace.) COVID-19 has initiated a wave of automation and amplified the need for unmanned work operations. As a result, there has been a major push for more automation and a need for the promise of safer and more efficient workplace operations. As automation and AI progressively find their way into healthcare’s tool bag, it becomes increasingly crucial for the infrastructure that delivers them to be automated as well.

Automation in Healthcare Skyrockets

The ongoing healthcare crisis has incentivized the healthcare industry more than any other to automate. At least 16 states have reported significant spikes in coronavirus hospitalization rates. Businesses in the healthcare industry have been challenged to find short-term solutions to meet the demand on hospital beds, ventilators, and care teams alike. In many cases, automation and artificial intelligence can help streamline workflows, reduce the number of close, person-to-person interactions and reduce healthcare workers’ burnout.

Many hospitals have leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to assist with their clinical decision-making process. For example, U.C. San Diego Health partnered with a cloud service provider to develop and apply a new AI algorithm to more than2,000 unique lung X-ray images, helping clinical staff to identify early signs of pneumonia more quickly in COVID-19 patients — critical to determining who may require admission or extended hospitalization.[1] 

The implementation of appropriate AI across the healthcare system can add value to clinicians, staff, and patients alike. Innovative AI applications in healthcare include everything from automating mundane administrative tasks, to affecting medical imaging such as CT scans and X-rays, to aiding in medical diagnosis.

Given its highly infectious nature and easy transmission of COVID-19 through human contact or exposed surfaces, the use of robots and AI can help greatly reduce the potential of coronavirus transmission by reducing human contact, protecting frontline healthcare workers,administrative staff, and the public at large.[2]

Automation is Key to Hospitals’ Long-Term Success

COVID-19 has, perhaps, forever changed the financial landscape of the U.S. Healthcare system. Hospitals are being forced to rapidly and effectively reduce risk to safeguard against future pandemics. They now have no choice but to address inefficient processes and technologies and implement automation to ensure long-term success. The infrastructure that delivers the automation for these healthcare tools must be built with flexibility and future technology advancements in mind.  

As a trusted infrastructure partner with deep and current experience in Automation methods and solutions, GCSIT can help you navigate decisions related to automation. We are passionate about agile, automation, and helping companies succeed. Now, and long-term. To read our latest white paper on automation, visit



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