What is a Network System Integrator?

September 28, 2022
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A network system integrator delivers significant value to your organization and can help you manage integration project costs. Learn more here

What is a Network System Integrator? How an Automated System Integrator Optimizes Productivity

Whether your organization deals with information storage, online communication, e-commerce, inventory management, or support services, adopting a streamlined and flexible IT infrastructure will bring you numerous rewards. Here are some reasons you should consider the expertise of a network system integrator.

Network system integrators design and build network architectures and integrate new capabilities into current solutions. Through networking integration, multiple hardware and software products are incorporated into a network system. In general, network system integrators are experts in various network-related topics, including security, installation, connectivity, and maintenance. Among the activities of system integration and systems operation are design, development, deployment, and support. The evaluation and procurement of hardware begin as soon as a design is approved and specified by a network system integrator.

Network system integrators use protocols developed by independent industry bodies. These include the American National Standards Institute and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

The sourcing of hardware demands an evaluation of the network operating systems and applications required.

Developing an agile IT infrastructure would benefit the overwhelming majority of companies that conduct online business. Not only will network system integration provide better adaptability and agility, but it will also reduce maintenance costs over time.

A network system integrator offers the following services:

  • Planning and development. The planning and development stage involves tasks related to infrastructure design, engineering of facilities, hardware assembly and configuration, and quality assurance.
  • Project consultation. The consultation stage encompasses numerous facets of project management, including assessment of needs, project strategy, network architecture and design, technical assessments, feasibility analyses, request for proposal preparation, supplier evaluations, component sourcing, compliance checks, security audits, and business continuity preparation.
  • Reconfigure existing infrastructure. Integrators link together different technologies and programs to facilitate seamless cross-functionality. This involves reconfiguring network connectivity and resolving issues owing to conflicting specifications. The network system integrator applies both hardware and software knowledge to build the required infrastructure. The goal is to achieve cross-compatibility and seamless interaction between products from different suppliers within the organization's budget.

A network system integrator can integrate hardware and software from different vendors and also incorporate services from the public switched network. Routinely, a network systems integrator utilizes in-depth knowledge of IT systems, telecom structures, and data management. With years of experience working within a broad assortment of operating environments and exceptional skills in managing small and large projects, a network system integrator will deliver a significant return on investment.

Markets with high levels of competition require companies to constantly generate value. A wide scope of consumer needs can often be met by uniting with other operations. In certain cases, it means absorbing or acquiring companies that offer complementary products or services. This would mean unifying communications strategies.

In this case, the volume of emerging technologies needs to be supported, and the number of existing assets that need to interact grow, presenting significant challenges both in terms of management and integration. If your business is experiencing significant growth, you should consider preparing for the possibility your organization could purchase another company.

Integrators provide businesses with strategies that optimize their performance in within their industries and markets. Many companies rely on outside firms to handle the process of designing and installing complex systems and networks. A contractor can share integration responsibilities with you rather than attempting the project on your own.

For any organization, network system integration is a project that requires technical skill and in-depth experience. As a leading provider of tools, expertise, and support to ensure seamless digital operations, GCSIT is well suited for the job. For more information about our range of digital solutions, please visit our information page.

Featured Photo by Christina Morillo

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