Why Are VDI Solutions Good for Businesses? How to Incorporate VDI Into Your Business Functions

September 28, 2022
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Why Are VDI Solutions Good for Businesses? How to Incorporate VDI Into Your Business Functions

If your organization’s information technology solutions are causing your business to hemorrhage money, you might want to consider integrating VDI solutions into your operations. Here’s how to incorporate VDI solutions into your business functions. GCSIT specializes in VDI solutions for businesses across industries.

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) can help you save money on office desktops and maintenance while remarkably improving efficiency. If you think VDI could improve your business’s functions, you might want to consider adopting the technology. However, unless you have experience setting up VDI, tackling the project might not be the best plan. If you don't know where to begin setting up VDI, it can seem like a huge undertaking. Employing a highly experienced consultant to guide you through the project might be the best solution – you can rely upon a professional that can help you better understand the scope of the process and tailor the solutions to your needs and objectives.

But how to incorporate VDI into basic business practices?

It’s simple – once it’s up and running. You simply download and install the client to your chosen device and click on the virtual computer you can access. From there, you can work just as you would on your office desktop. Whether you choose a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, the interface will function similarly.

Once VDI has been integrated into your IT solutions, you’ll find it remarkably user-friendly. Nevertheless, the process of adopting the technology might seem too daunting an undertaking. Partnering with the team at GCSIT will help make the process more efficient. Additionally, the perks of having VDI solutions are too significant to ignore.

Here's a look at some aspects of VDI solutions that will enable companies to streamline their office processes in 2022.

1. Work remotely

There is no function more critical to successful business operations during the pandemic than the ability to work on a remote basis.

A flexible working schedule and the ability to leave the office without leaving work behind are desired by every employee.

Virtual desktops give employees the flexibility to work from a remote location. Remote access is the most exciting aspect of VDI. Companies benefit from this feature because the work is never overlooked, regardless of whether an employee is working from home or commuting.

Businesses across industries are experiencing a massive uptick in remote work. While this increase was largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. workforce was already beginning to demand increased adoption of virtual working opportunities. With new COVID-19 variants beginning to spread worldwide, it isn't inconceivable that future lockdowns could cause temporary office closures, necessitating flexible technology that can enable secure work activities from remote locations.  

From the point of view of the workforce, virtual work allows the workforce increased flexibility and an improved work-life balance. Additionally, remote work helps minimize work-related stress since employees can better handle personal responsibilities without falling behind on work tasks. As a result of spending more time with your loved ones when working from home, it may help reduce mental stress. The additional benefit is that mundane administrative tasks and commute times are significantly reduced.

2. Work device flexibility.

With Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, your process is independent of hardware limitations. By using a virtual desktop, you can use any portable device such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets to access your virtual desktop.  

When team members use their own devices for work-related tasks, it significantly reduces operating costs for businesses while enhancing functionality.  

3. Increased security.

Using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, businesses can store their data securely by removing the need to store data locally. In the case of a hosted virtual desktop provider, data is stored in a remote location, so even if your device is damaged, security and integrity are not affected.

Accessing the remote server is all that the portable device does. If you know your username and password, you can access your data anywhere. As long as the login credentials are not compromised, the data are secure even if the device is stolen.

4. Pooled desktops

A Desktop Pool is a domain-based virtual desktop solution where desktops can be divided into different groups, sometimes called Enterprise VDI.

The human resources department, accounts, and sales could be divided into three departments. To meet their daily needs, these departments rely on desktop computers. The duties assigned to each department are different.

Thus, each department needs a desktop with a unique combination of hardware, software, and operating system. Every virtual desktop within a particular pool can have the same configuration, which can create a pool for each department.

5. Lower costs.

Furthermore, when setting up an infrastructure for an office, every business will take its budget into consideration. As every piece of hardware becomes obsolete after some time, there will always be a need to upgrade desktops.

By creating multiple virtual desktops on one server, virtual desktops ensure less hardware is needed. Using this, you can create a more compact work environment by reducing the space required for a desktop. You also save money on upgrades and replacements of desktops by using them.

The other option is Desktop as a Service (DaaS), where the servers are hosted by providers of cloud desktop services, thereby reducing businesses' overhead further.

If you want additional information about incorporating VDI solutions, please get in touch with our representatives to schedule an in-depth consultation. Please download our whitepaper to learn more about how GCSIT solutions can enhance your organization’s productivity.

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